Information on tickets and Merchandise

Info on Tickets and Merchendise

Here is how to get some cool Late Night merchandise, and tickets to the show!!!!!

You can order merchandise directly at the NBC Studio Store at 30 Rockefeller Center in New York.

You can order merchandise through the mail. Simpily call 1-800-NBC-8760 to get a free catalog. Your catalog will take 7-10 buisness days to arrive.

To see some of the merchandise on-line visit NBC's catalog page. Items cannot be order over the net.

To get tickets write to:

NBC Tickets
30 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10112

Or call:
(212) 664-3056/3057

Going to the NBC Main Hall information booth at 30 Rockefeller Plaza at 9:15 AM is another way to get tickets

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